In between some exceptional historical novels, I've been discovering some excellent articles too. I'm not usually one to peruse online media and content, mostly, I'm realizing, because I'm not confident where to look for quality stories, but also because I really hate the state of journalism in the world today. Click-bait headlines, pop-up ads, and pop-culture gossip have their corners, but there are still legitimately thoughtful stories and conversations going on out there, which you can be a part of for free.
Here are some of my favorites:
Here are some of my favorites:
Recommended by a coworker of mine, I devoured both parts in a lunch break. They're long, but fascinating - hackers, Deep Web, Drugs, FBI, CIA, Princess Bride references.
I really like The Atlantic, especially their recent piece on Hollywood actress and American singer, Lena Horne. Hollywood, Communism, and the independent spirit both tried to devour in one form or another. But didn't.
Julien Smith is the CEO of Breather, but before that this article made a lot of waves on the internet for its honesty. Conquering fear, overcoming social pressures, being vs. pretending.
Another Julien Smith great. At least, we'll have to see in a few years.
Ben Schlappig hacks airline miles packages and credit cards for a virtually endless First Class flight around the world and in some of the nicest hotels. I admire the hustle and though the lifestyle seems psychologically suspicious to say the least.
A sobering story of big game hunting and survival hunting in Bostwana.
Ryan Holiday's notecard system is an excellent research tool that I've adopted for myself in parts. It can optimize any reading diet for retention and utility.
A harrowing account of Carlos Hathcock, aka 'White Feather', a deadly US sniper who served in Vietnam.
Victor Davis Hanson is an excellent historian and thinker. I think his knowledge of the past, greatly informs his views on the President. Unfortunately those views aren't considered more so by Nation leaders, Liberal or Conservative.
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